- ChIPseeker::gsminfoInformation Datasets
- ChIPseeker::tagMatrixListInformation Datasets
- ChIPseeker::ucsc_releaseInformation Datasets
- clusterProfiler::DE_GSE8057Datasets gcSample contains a sample of gene clusters.
- clusterProfiler::gcSampleDatasets gcSample contains a sample of gene clusters.
- clusterProfiler::kegg_categoryDatasets gcSample contains a sample of gene clusters.
- clusterProfiler::kegg_speciesDatasets gcSample contains a sample of gene clusters.
- DOSE::geneListDatasets
- GOSemSim::gotblInformation content of GO terms
- meshes::hsamdDATA Sets
- meshes::meshtblDATA Sets
- MicrobiomeProfiler::Psoriasis_dataExample data: a vector of 134 significantly different functional COGs between Psoriasis patients and controls
- MicrobiomeProfiler::Rat_dataExample data: a vector of 91 KEGG Orthologies (KOs) showing significant associations with weaning weight
- MicrobiomeProfiler::microbiota_taxlistExample data: a vector of 54 bacterial genera tested for significantly between T2D metformin samples
- TDbook::AA_sequenceData set containing multiple sequence alignment information
- TDbook::df_Candidaauris_dataPopulation genetics data No.1
- TDbook::df_NJIDqgsSPopulation genetics data No.2
- TDbook::df_allelesAllele table
- TDbook::df_alltax_infoData frame containing hierarchical relationship
- TDbook::df_bar_dataTrait data
- TDbook::df_barplot_attrData set of the abundance of microbes at the body sites of greatest prevalence
- TDbook::df_difftaxData frame containing taxa and factor information and pvalue
- TDbook::df_infoSampling information data set
- TDbook::df_inode_dataNodedata to be mapped to tree
- TDbook::df_ring_heatmapData set of the abundance and types of microbes
- TDbook::df_svlData frame containing slv information
- TDbook::df_tip_dataTipdata to be mapped to tree
- TDbook::df_tippointData set of the abundance and types of microbes
- TDbook::dna_HPV58_alnA DNAbin class to store the aligned sequnces of species of HPV58.tree
- TDbook::text_RMI_treeTree to display with symbolic points indicating partitioned bootstrap values
- TDbook::tree_CandidaaurisTree No.1 to display with visualized population genetics data
- TDbook::tree_HPV58Tree to display with dot and line plots of pairwise nucleotide sequence distances
- TDbook::tree_NJIDqgsSTree No.2 to display with visualized population genetics data
- TDbook::tree_anoleTree to color with continuous state transition in edges
- TDbook::tree_bootsTree to be mapped to data
- TDbook::tree_hmptreeTree to display with multiple graphs for multi-dimensional data
- TDbook::tree_long_branch_exampleTree to display with shrunk outlier long branch
- TDbook::tree_nexTree to display with silhouettes from Phylopic
- TDbook::tree_nwkTree to display with sampling information, SNP and Trait data
- TDbook::tree_seq_nwkTree to display with multiple sequence alignment
- TDbook::tree_treenwk_30.4.19Tree to group and highlight